SiliaChrom dt C18

Fortis HPLC Columns

SiliaChrom Plus dt C18 columns will help you with your separations under 100 % aqueous conditions.

SiliaChrom Plus dt C18 columns will help you with your separations under 100 % aqueous conditions. The phase will not collapse, as most C18 would. Whether you need to analyse hydrophobic or hydrophilic compounds, with buffered mobile phase only, SiliaChrom Plus dt C18 is a safe choice.

We guarantee:

  • Ultra pure metal-free silica (99.9999 % purity)
  • High sensitivity for LC/MS
  • Stable from 100 % aqueous to 100 % organic mobile phase
  • Universal: acidic, neutral and basic analysis
  • Enhanced retention of hydrophilic molecules
  • Inertness for acidic and basic analytes


Array dt C18
Family / Formats SiliaChrom® (HPLC Columns)
Available Particle Size 3 µm, 5 µm, 10 µm
Pore Size 100 Å
Chromatographic Mode Reversed Phases
USP Code L1